Our Channels

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Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday

  • Exclusive position: No share of voice
  • Ideal ‘Call To Action’ position
  • Seen by thousands of readers every week
  • GIFs recommended (can be supplied)
  • Click through to web page of choice, with tracking

Dimensions: 420px wide x 280 px tall

File size: up to 300kB

Key Stats

Subscribers:  5,648
Open rate: 35.0% (industry average = 23.0%*)
Click rate: 10.3% (industry average = 4.2%*)

Note: figures updated regularly, but exact numbers change daily.
*Stats from Mailchimp International.

Website - News pages

  • Set Traffic level (low, medium, high) or align with specific content (categories, such as Real Estate).
  • GIFs recommended (can be supplied)
  • Click-through to your URL of choice, with tracking

Dimensions: 300-500 px wide x 200 px high

File size: up to 300kB

Key Stats

Page views: ~37,850 per month*
Average site visit: 1.7 pages*
Average page time: 53 seconds

Note: figures updated regularly. Exact numbers change daily.
*Stats from Google Analytics.

Website - Home page

  • Set Traffic level (low, medium, high)
  • GIFs recommended (can be supplied)
  • Click-through to your URL of choice, with tracking

Dimensions: 500-700 px wide x 150 px high

File size: up to 500kB

Key Stats

Page views: ~4,500 per month*
Average site visit: 1.7 pages*

Note: figures updated regularly. Exact numbers change daily.
*Stats from Google Analytics.

What our readers say ...

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Sponsorship levels: GOLD, SILVER, BRONZE

Sponsors get:

  • Guaranteed share of all ad space across website and newsletter
  • Discounted eDMs
  • Guaranteed editorial support for Sponsors each month (while a Sponsor)

Key Stats

Subscribers: 4,083

  • Open rate: 32.4% (industry average = 17.8%*)
  • Click rate: 7/1% (industry average = 7.2%*)

Note: figures updated regularly. Exact numbers change daily.
*Stats from Mailchimp International.

Pub Real Estate

Pub Real Estate - Home page

Landing page for PubTIC’s listing service – Pub Real Estate.

Highlighted targeted audience – operators interested in buying pubs.

Key Stats

  • Exclusive position. No share of voice
  • Over 1,000 unique visitors per month


  • Multiple listing options available – price dictated by LGA (Metro, Premium Regional, Regional)
  • All listings include ‘Booster’ ads in PubTIC newsletter (artwork for Booster ad not included)
  • Reporting on all paid listings, detailing views, booster performance, benchmarks 
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